All information, programs, videos, challenges, and tools provided by the owners, trainers, and staff of Surgefit Inc are intended for educational and informational purposes only. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, our website, our social media pages and groups, classes, and gym sessions.

We strongly encourage you to seek the advice of your physician and/or a registered dietitian prior to beginning any diet or exercise program. The information provided by and through Surgefit Inc is not to be construed as a prescribed diet and is not to be construed as any type of medical diagnosis, as we are not a medical facility, and do not hold our staff out as such.

Our plans, including, but not limited to, general nutritional plans and our supplements, are meant to be used as guides. Our intent is to promote physical fitness through healthy lifestyles. We are not physicians, and do not give medical advice or diagnoses. In no way are our challenges or nutritional guidelines to be seen as anything but tools for educational and informational purposes only.

By using our facilities, participating in challenges, using the website, social media pages and groups, classes and gym sessions,mobile training, you agree to our terms and conditions.